Other official data
Bank account: Magnet Bank, 16200106-00108490
Registration number: 14 PK. 60403/2002/1
Statistical number: 18245770 9133 529 01
Tax number: 18245770-1-43
President: Emese Gulyás
Our colleagues
Noémi Andacs
In 2003 I graduated with a degree in geography and German translation. In 2008 I received another degree in sociology and human ecology from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Besides working through the sometimes dull university curricula, I was inspired by my experiences in foreign countries. In France I drilled peat-bogs, and then I counted birds and sea-waves at the Baltic and Watt seas. Between 2005 and 2009 I worked as a publicist in Hungary while investing my spare energies in another CSO, Védegylet – Protect the future!There I worked as a volunteer on fair trade and with community clubs. Since 2009 I have been working at ACC mainly as the editor of our website tudatosvasarlo.hu and as a coordinator of our EcoTeam program. In my free time, I garden at Grund garden, a community garden in down-town Budapest.
Gabi Görbe
With my down to earth personality and, of course, professional knowledge of finances, I am responsible for the financial management of projects and the association’s finances in general. Even though I am not a hardcore environmentalist, this position suits me well and makes me pay attention to my environmental impact. ACC’s field of activity is important to my family as well.
Emese Gulyás
As one of the founders of ACC, I am an overtly idealistic and ever-optimistic person. I graduated first with a degree in international marketing then later as a sociologist-economist. I also have a Ph.D. in sociology. With this varied knowledge I work as coordinator for international and research projects. I am driven by my desire to find out the best motivators for ethical consumption. I believe that we, those making ethical decisions, want to live in a better world and are ready to take action to do so. If it is up to me, these ethical people will become more and more numerous.
Zsuzsa Lőrincz
I’ve went a long way from being a mechanical engineer and international marketing expert to working at the ACC. I’ve started as a volunteer in 2007 but team members, activities and of course the projects themselves as well enchanted me. So far I mainly worked on projects related to campaigns and festivals. My main field is pr and communication but I am happily participating in community building. I am a fan of equal and personal human relations: we communicate with our followers on social media as with partners. In my personal life I am interested in self sustaining, I hope I’ll reach it before I’m retired.
Zsófia Perényi
Despite being a city-girl, I graduated with a degree in environmental management from Szent István University, Gödöllő. It was there I first heard about sustainability, community agriculture and environmental consciousness; while volunteering they became part of my life without me even noticing. After university, I went straight to ACC where I have worked with an ever present smile on my face to help put these concepts into practice. Nowadays, I work on promoting community agriculture, which I learnt about as member of a really inspiring international network. Besides this, I work on international projects and am responsible for managing the ACC’s volunteers. I am always very enthusiastic about something; I am about to settle down in a small village in the mountain region Börzsöny of Hungary and get to start my own garden.
Kata Ujhelyi
I graduated from the University of Economics in Budapest where, while in a student association, my passion for sustainability and environmental protection was born. Long after co-funding ACC, I completed a masters training on sustainable development in London. I have been present at ACC since the beginning. I am only part time now, but I am still fully dedicated. I spend much of my time working on our website, databases and other strategic projects to be started in the future. Apart from being a colleague at ACC, I work at a food bank and as a freelance advisor to companies; I believe that change has to be supported from all sides. I am also a cultural anthropologist and do yoga when not working.