| Tudatos Vásárló
TVE is looking for a native English speaker volunteer
The Association of Conscious Consumers (Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete, TVE) is looking for enthusiastic and dedicated native or almost native English speaker volunteers to support its colourful and wonderful activities for ethical and sustainable consumption.
The Association of Conscious Consumers (Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete, TVE) is looking for enthusiastic and dedicated native or almost native English speaker volunteers to support its colourful and wonderful activities for ethical and sustainable consumption.
TVE works for sustainable and ethical consumption. Its main activities include publishing the www.tudatosvasarlo.hu online magazine (in Hungarian) reaching 1.4 million people annually, community building and training programs for sustainable households and for community supported agriculture groups, research and campaign for fair and sustainable supply chains.
Our great native speaker volunteers would support TVE’s communication to international audience, participate in international programs and would be happy to get integrated in TVE’s team. TVE offers practical learning and networking opportunities as well as coaching.
TVE’s international projects are about Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), fairness and sustainability in global food supply chains, behaviour change for sustainable lifestyles. Its main activities on these fields are: training and education development, campaigning, background research and policy monitoring.
Read more about TVE in English here and contact TVE’s volunteer coordinator, Zsófi Perényi zsofi@tve.hu, if you are interested in joining. We are waiting for you! 🙂
See you soon!
The team of TVE
ps. If you are not the one, please share this info with those who might be interested.
Foto: Jason Samfield, Flickr
Tetszett a cikk? Nyomd meg a lenti gombot és támogasd a www.tudatosvasarlo.hu fenntartását egyszeri felajánlással. Köszönjük!
Legyél Te is a Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete büszke támogatója!
A TVE éves támogatói díja 2500 forint. És ezért kapsz egy Tudatos Vásárló Kedvezménykártyát is.