
Here is our tip for Plastic Free July: try out the magical dish soap with us

Everyone does the dishes. In the stores, all dishwashing detergents come in plastic bottles. The first statement is beyond dispute. But we can firmly refute the second one. An amazing, waste-free alternative to bottled dishwashing detergents, the dish soap has arrived to Hungary. Join our plastic-free dishwashing challenge, try out the dish soap and see how it will change your life! Are you a supporting member or super-member of our association? You might get the soap as a gift then.

Register now and we’ll show you two more tricks to reduce your plastic waste.

At last – Plastic Free July is coming! You will have a full month to get used to a new habit – to not let it go anymore. That’s what Plastic Free July is all about. You’ll have the opportunity to do some things different from what you are used to in order to turn your everyday life greener. And if you’re lucky, if you do it all right, that little or big change will become your habit, which you won’t give up anymore.

The Conscious Consumers encourage you to make a commitment that fits your lifestyle and possibilities. Of course you cannot get rid of all types of plastics from one day to the next. And you do not need to. That is something that only very few people have managed to do! It is enough now to set just one small goal to make a big difference in the long run.

Are you thinking about this year’s commitment? We have an idea for you! So far, there has been no waste-free alternative to plastic-based dishwashing detergents in Hungary. Recently, however, dish soaps have appeared in organic stores.

The dish soap is gentle on the skin of the hands, it is a biodegradable and plant-based dishwashing detergent, so it is not harmful to the environment. And: its packaging is plastic-free!

The dish soap leaves no stains, so there is no need to rinse with vinegar or citric acid after washing. After drying, no soapy feeling or taste remains on the pot.

How to use the dish soap?

  • Rub with the moistened brush or loofah sponge. If you don’t have a plastic-free tool (we already tested these), use your dishwashing sponge until the water foams. Wash-up, then rinse.
  • Scorched pots should be soaked first so that the burnt bits come off. Then you may wash them.
  • Did you know? A single block of dish soap is enough for months if used properly: keep it in a dry place such as in a porcelainor wooden soap dish next to the sink.


If the soap cannot dry out properly, it will, like all soaps, spread out and run out faster. It is important therefore to have a proper soap dish so that the soap does not sit in water and does not slip out of the soap dish when using it. You may use a small can as soap dish and place a few pebbles in it.

What is Plastic Free July going to be like?

During Plastic Free July, we are going to compare the different options for doing the washing-up. With the help of our members, we are going to test the dish soap to see if it actually a practical and simple zero-waste solution is.

Thanks to Hulladékmentes.hu, we are going to raffle off 20 domestically produced SensEco dish soaps among our supporting members and super members.

SensEco mosogatószappan műanyagmentes július
SensEco mosogatószappan műanyagmentes július

The 20 dish soaps to be awarded to our supporting members DO NOT contain any:

  • palm oil,
  • phosphate,
  • phosphonate,
  • Sodium Coco Sulfate,
  • Sodium Laureth/Lauryl Sulfate (SLS, SLES).

So are you willing to take the challenge of the one-month-long green washing-up?

Member already? Do not miss out on our raffle. You can take the challenge by clicking here. ↓↓↓

Not interested in winning a dish soap? So take the challenge by…

1, Using less dishwashing liquid. Dilute it and believe us. It will work.

2, Using something greener. Instead of the detergent, use efficient and eco-friendly washing soda to clean greasy dishes.

Not a member yet but want to participate in our raffle?

Be our supporting member NOW! As a supporting member, you will be invited to our exclusive events and you can participate in our future tests together with our members. (Our members receive gift products in the course of the test). In addition, you will receive your Conscious Customer Discount Card, which allows you to shop at more than 50 locations at a discount. TVE membership fee is only 3.000 HUF a year.

Apply for the membership and super membership here  >>

Last year 250 million…

The Plastic Free July initiative was launched in Australia in 2011, with more than 120 million people participating two years ago and 250 million last year, according to data released by the Plastic Free Foundation. Each year, the campaign draws attention to the incredibly harmful environmental effects of non-degradable plastics.

Annually 300 million tons of plastic waste is generated, half of which is made up of single-use plastic items. A classic example for that is the single-use plastic packaging at the bakery. Think about it. Your bread bag is used only as long as you take your three buns home. And then it pollutes the environment for hundreds of years in a landfill or is incinerated in a waste incinerator.

Source and owner of the images of this article: hulladekmentes.hu

Segítettünk, hogy képben legyél a termékekben lévő vegyi anyagok hatásával kapcsolatban?
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Köszönjük az idődet, válaszoddal sokat segítettél!

Segítettünk, hogy kevesebb káros vegyi anyag legyen az életedben?
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Köszönjük az idődet, válaszoddal sokat segítettél!

Green&Safe LIFE-styles is supported by the European Union LIFE program and co-funded by the Hungrian Ministry of Agriculture. Project ID: ENV GIE HU000622 Green & Safe LIFE-styles.

Mi nem csak a „szuperzöldekhez” szólunk! Célunk, hogy az ökotudatos életmód és az ehhez vezető vásárlási szempontok bárki számára elérhetők legyenek, éljen bárhol, bármilyen végzettséggel, bármilyen szemlélettel is ebben az országban.

Tevékenységünk a gyártók támogatásától és reklámoktól mentes, nem fogadunk el termékmintákat tesztelésre, nincsenek céges támogatóink, sem reklámbevételeink. És ezt továbbra is fenn akarjuk tartani.

Ahhoz, hogy olyan ügyekkel foglalkozzunk, amikre nincsen hazai vagy más pályázati forrás nagy szükségünk van olyan magánemberek támogatására, mint amilyen Te is vagy! Lehetőségeidhez mérten emiatt kérünk, támogasd munkánkat rendszeres vagy egyszeri adományoddal.

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