
Green & Safe LIFE-styles

We proudly present the results of the Green & Safe LIFE-styles project.

Read our summary document!


Green & Safe LIFE-Styles was the project of the Association of Conscious Consumers in Hungary between 2018 and 2023. 

Between 2018 and 2023 the Association of Conscious Consumers (ACC) helped consumers to use household chemicals in a more sustainable and safe way with the following programs.


Action A: Background researches, preparatory actions

For the successful delivery of the following actions, ACC made background researches about the attitudes towards household chemicals, the awareness of the EcoLabel and safety labels, the market penetration of green household chemicals. The English summary of the background researches is available on request. Please contact us at tve@tve.hu.

Action B1: Information HUB: website, product database and phone application

The database covers the 10 most typical household cleaning product categories, it provides information about the sustainability and safety features of these products. From 2021 the database is accessible through www.tudatosvasarlo.hu and via smart phone applications.

Dowload the app from here:

Google Play        App Store

Action B2: Awareness raising with product tests

10 comparative laboratory test will be published during the project on the www.tudatosvasarlo.hu and on the tesztek.tudatosvasarlo.hu.

Our earlier research concluded that the imagined weaker efficiency, perception about the higher price, and the belief that these products are hardly available are among the main barriers of not chosing ecological, ecolabelled products. Almost each household uses the following products: washing up liquid, laundry detergents, fabric softeners, abrasives, toilet cleaners, all-purpose cleaners, therefore our product tests focus on the efficiency, environmental and health aspects of these products, while the results also highlight whether the tested product has Ecolabels or  holds CLP signs that warn for potential health risks. We also indicate prices that usually show that Ecolabelled products could be found in the average price range.

Results of the washing up liquid test 2020

Top 3 of the liquid laundry detergent test 2020

The English summary of product tests:

d.b2.3.2 dishwasher product test results english
d.d2.3.3 washing powder test results english
d.b2.3.4 laundry detergent test results english
d.b2.3.5 all purpose cleaners test results english
d.b2.3.6-dishwasher-tablet-test-results english
d.b2.3.7-toilet-cleaner-test-results english

Action B3: Behaviour change program and adult education: EcoTeams

EcoTeams (ÖkoKörök) is a community based behaviour change program originally developed by the Global Action Plan International. In their original forms EcoTeams are groups of 5-10 people who meet regularly to provide peer support to change for sustainable lifestyles. In the Green & Safe LIFE-styles project ACC elaborated the altered version of EcoTeams, called EcoTeams Lab (Tiszta Otthon ÖkoKör).

The EcoTeams meeting cycle in the EcoTeams Lab


Our impact measurement resulst show that not  only did participants use fewer but more environmentally friendly cleaning products during the 5 weeks of EcoTeams, but they also maintained this green behavior six months on. Six months after completing EcoTeams, participants kept about 20% fewer chemicals at home than at the beginning of the programme.

The positive change was due to the drastic reduction of  two cleaning product groups: they managed to reduce the number of non-ecolabelled cleaning products and single-use wet wipes by more than 50% by the sixth month following the programme. The change was not the result of a few very committed “eco-fighters”, but more than 90% of participants reduced their use of “traditional” chemicals.

Instead of the commercial detergents, EcoTeam members started to use independently certified ecolabelled products and alternative cleaning products (washing soda, baking soda, vinegar, citric acid). Six months after EcoTeams, there were 60% more ecolabelled products and 25% more alternative cleaning products in these households than at the beginning of the programme – all this in the shadow of the COVID pandemic.

The impact of the EcoTeams 


The impact of the EcoTeams is visible after 6 months in participating in the program


The English version of EcoTeam Lab:


The Clean Home EcoTeams impact measurement report is available here:
D.B3.3 Clean Home EcoTeams impact measurement report

Action B4: Awareness raising and public outreach campaign

Everyone should be aware of the sustainable and safe use chemilcals, therefore ACC runs campaigns on its Facebook,  Instagram page and in its newsletters. Follow us!

Content on the www.tudatosvasarlo.hu

The Association of Conscious Consumers publishes contents about the safe and sustainable use of household chemicals, including the product groups covered by our app. These articles focus on the safety of products, offer safer solutions for household problems.

Here is a sample of our most popular topics:

Success: fake green claims will be banned in the EU

Tightening up on two dangerous substances in cosmetic products by the end of 2023

Menstruation can become even safer

You might be using sunscreen the wrong way. This is how you should apply suncreen on your kid to prevent any issues

Substance harmful to human foetus detected in groundwater in Győr, Hungary

Eco-friendly detergents might be risky – and this is no scam

Our Guide to Eco-cleaning – what does baking soda do?

Here is our tip for Plastic Free July: try out the magical dish soap with us

Keeping your kitchen clean with essential oils

Cleaning can be just as harmful as smoking

Debate over wet wipes – where do you stand?

Avoid using these 5 household detergents to keep your family safe

DIY mould removers 

Green Cleaning Best Practices – Citric Acid

The dangers of essential oils: why natural isn’t always safe

Why You Should Stop Using Fabric Softeners

Toxic Forever Chemicals Found in Numerous Cosmetics

Bulk-buying, refill stores, zero waste shops in Hungary

What is greenwashing and why is it an issue? The position of Conscious Consumers

Action C: Impact measurement

ACC delivers baseline and follow-up surveys among the key stakeholders to monitor the achievement of the planned results at the beginning and the end and during the course of the project. The project has contracted social impact measurement experts for the external monitoring and validation of project results both quantitatively and qualitatively. Naturally, the impact measurement among the directly involved target groups is part of the activities.

Action D: Dissemination, replication and transfer of project results

Among others this action includes press activities, dissemination of results in relevant professional network, participation on conferences, organising capacity building workshops, participation in relevant policy processes.


For a visual summary of the project see our poster presented at the LIFE Platform Meeting on Chemicals (November 2019, Vilnius): d.d3.1_life_platform_meeting_on_chemicals_november_2019_poster


Green and Safe AM támogatói logoGreen&Safe LIFE-styles is supported by the European Union LIFE program and co-funded by the Hungrian Ministry of Agriculture. Project ID:  ENV GIE HU000622 Green & Safe LIFE-styles. Total budget: 1 160 223 €, EU contribution: 696 133 €, the EU contribution is 60% of the eligible costs.

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